Wednesday, January 9, 2019

What is this? Why is this?


This is a fiction blog. As I go out and read classical literature (and maybe some old, but not so classical literature), I'll play with and rewrite it, sometimes. This is not because I imagine that I can out-do the great writers of history. This is my way of studying their style, and making it more a part of my own - or at least trying to. Having done this, I will then sometimes post what results to this blog.

Sometimes, I'll write something less derivative, and you'll see that, too. What you won't see are comments. I'm tired of dealing with trolls, as I suspect most people online are, and I've found that when comment sections are offered, they tend to be misused. Also, and I'll say this without apology, I don't want "constructive criticism" from just any random stranger who offers it. I might not be the greatest writer who ever lived, but I am going to be the best writer I can be, and I can't be that if I'm going to keep making compromises in my work just to salve the egos of everybody I meet. I'm going to pick and choose the advice I take.